Saturday, November 25, 2006

he can do it...

Well, pops is getting better little by little. He's on 30% oxygen instead of the 60% about 3 days ago. They are trying to ween him off the respirator onto another machine where he does more of the breathing himself. He's coughing a lot of that crap in his lungs up. It looks VERY nasty, but it's good that it's coming up. He also has a secondary bacterial infection in his blood, lord knows how it got there. They are pumping him full of antibiotics 24-7, along with a feeding tube through his nose and the respirator thing. No matter he seems so cranky. It's gonna be a longer road to recovery then I want to think about, but even if he's not out of the hospital by Xmas, maybe he can at least be in a better condition a month from now.

Mom promised that us girls will still go on our annual mall outing either this Friday or the next. She wants things to stay as normal as possible, Dad probably wants it that way. He was happy to see me today, I hadn't been there since Wednesday evening. Working two jobs on a holiday weekend is a bitch, LOL. Right when I was leaving Uncle Jim, Dad's brother came to visit. At least Dad knows his family loves him, we never leave him alone. LOL

I can't wait until Dad can come home. He's gonna need to quit smoking, and that's gonna be rough. He can do it. He was an alcoholic drinking one liter of Jim Beam in 2 days.. to quitting cold turkey the next. If he can quit booze, he can quit smoking too.

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