Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Summary of Monday and Tuesday..

Good stuff

  1. Dad was pretty alert when I saw him both days. Slightly drowsy, but awake. Good sign.
  2. They left a "New York" deli sandwich for me in the fridge. I may eat it a bit later this morning, I already had scrambled eggs and tomato soup for dinner and chocolate silk pie for dessert.(Yes I know it's evil but hey mom gave me a slice, I can't resist dessert.)
  3. My cousin Terry messaged me on Myspace and agreed that Aunt Becky is pretty damn scary, she has to spend Xmas with her. Thank god for alcohol. Hahaha.
  4. Actually went to the gym Tuesday morning and got some cardio done. I feel so much better about myself when I exercise.
  5. 5 days until Christmas!! Yay!!!
Bad stuff
  1. Woke up really late on Monday night, barely had time to shower, had to eat a Healthy Choice meatloaf dinner at work.
  2. My second fave bra broke on Monday night. Now I'm wearing my sucky one until my other is out of the laundry. That's on my list of shit to buy after Xmas. (I have a list of stuff I want/need, but wanna wait to see what gift cards and such I receive.)
  3. Manny still owes me money for previous gym payments I've made since May when we broke up. I emailed him and will continue harassing him until I get the dough. He's up to $232 now. When we were goin out he nagged me about getting the money my friend Mike owed me. Well now he owes me himself, that fucker. (Note to self: Never sign contracts together until you are married!!!)

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