Monday, January 22, 2007

i think this is working...


  1. Hit the gym on Sunday afternoon. Not only did cardio but did 10 sets of 10 ab crunches and some arm work. I've noticed my thighs feel a bit smaller, they don't rub together as much. This is a good sign.
  2. If things go to plan I should hit the gym on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I'm trying to schedule an aircheck at KKIQ for early Friday afternoon so I won't make the gym that day. Wednesday morning I need to take my mom to a doctor appointment. Yay.
  3. Both Friday and Saturday nights I had fun. Relaxed with a few drinks, and on Saturday actually enjoyed time with friends for a bit.
  4. This guy that I like finally has a Myspace, and messaged me out of the blue on Saturday. Hopefully we can get together and hang out real soon. He's uber shy and antisocial so it's going to be tough to get him out of his shell. He's very intelligent and we were good pals in high school.
  5. That one annoying guy who works with me at KDFC/Max Fm came in after me on Saturday afternoon, I think we made some informal truce. We talked about KCRH which he's still involved with, and he gave me two pieces of gum. This is good. Even though this guy is a moron, I hate burning bridges of any sort.
  1. It's that time of the month, folks. Lots of discomfort and I hate all men. Okay I got that out of my system.
  2. Kept stumblin and mumblin while on air Sunday morning on KKIQ. For some reason my mouth wasn't cooperating with my brain, I don't know why. I played back my aircheck and it isn't as bad as it seems. Guess I'll use it for my aircheck session on Friday.

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