Tuesday, January 16, 2007

weirdass dreams...


  1. Had a funny/weird dream on Tuesday. I was in front of some school which didn't look like my high school or college at all, and there were these gang members wearing black and red that were fighting. Only they weren't like gang fighting, it looked more like pro wrestling. Lots of picking people up and slamming them on the ground. All of a sudden some kid turned on a ghetto blaster and played "Fergalicious", and everyone started breakdancing. So awesome. Next thing I know Fernando is walking up to some side gate opening it, and saw me. He yelled, "Hurry up you're gonna be late for 1st period." So I caught up to him and he wanted to see my schedule, which I didn't even know was in my hand. He was excited because we had cooking class together. Then my alarm went off and I woke up. Hahahaha.
  2. I ate relatively healthy the last few days, getting at least 3-4 servings of fruit/veggies. This is a drastic improvement and probably one of the main causes of plateauing and not losing more weight.
  3. I drank Naked Apple Juice on Tuesday morning, and honestly it's the best juice I've ever tasted. Just like I was eating an apple. Totally organic. It was so good, I could do a commercial.
the ugly..
  1. My dad is getting drastically better which kicks ass, but the hospital wants to transfer him to a rehab-like facility. This place costs $20,000 a month without insurance.. and my parents' current combo of insurance won't cover it. This and they make too much money to qualify for Medi-Cal. Thank you Governator! If the social worker doesn't find a loophole or help us find some way to pay on a sliding scale, my parents are screwed.
  2. I originally planned on hitting the gym Tuesday morning, but I had to take my mom to get blood work done at the lab. She has a doctor appointment next Wednesday morning. Least I can go later this morning and on Friday morning. Thursday I have a fun dentist appointment to look forward to. Hooray for permanent crowns and lots of drilling.
  3. I've been drinking regular Coke at home, trying to get rid of the 2 liter that was bought for my sister's bday party last month. So yeah I'm drinking liquid sugar, like half a glass a day. I'm horrible. After that lots of organic juice, ice tea and water. Bad Lisa, bad bad Lisa.

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