Sunday, February 25, 2007

weekend fun


  1. Overall weekend was pretty cool. Did hit the gym on Friday morning and on Sunday afternoon, got a great workout. I've lost 3 more pounds in the last 2 weeks!! I'm just gonna keep goin to the gym four days a week and eating decently.
  2. Hung out with Cathy and TJ on Friday night, ate dinner at Marie Callendar's again. I ended up eating most of my meal from the soup/salad bar and took my turkey croissant thing home. I ate it on Saturday morning at work.
  3. Saturday evening I hung out at home. I had a few mudslides and watched Summer Rental starring John Candy. It sucked. Oh well, I'm going to write a review on it for Kimmie's website sometime this week.
  1. Ended up working OT on Thursday night and I'm working OT on my shift right now. I don't really mind that much, but it cuts in on what little "me" time I have. Tonight and tomorrow night I will be about 1 1/2 hours late since I'm working at one of my parttime jobs beforehand. Hopefully things will work out with the schedule. I know Victoria's sick though, I hope she's getting better. :)
  2. I had total confusion at my job on Saturday morning. Apparently my boss had sent out an email that I never received. We were sold to another broadcast entity last month. He emailed to let us know that the company we work with was laying everyone off, and the new company was hiring everyone back. This is the only way to get the paperwork straight. I got to work and I had a packet in my box with termination papers. I thought we had all been laid off. I didn't find this out until this new guy Mark that I was training told this to me. I felt SO stupid! The rest of the morning/early afternoon I was busy training him and E, this other new board op. I stayed 2 hours later then scheduled, but oh well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good going on the weight loss! You are doing so awesome!

Sorry about the overtime. Thanks for filling in. I'm still a little sick but am back to work at least. :)