Friday, February 09, 2007

the weekend is here. yes!


  1. Had lots of hands- on training for taking care of my dad on Thursday morning. I know how to clean his trache and how to suction, all that good stuff. It's not as hard as it seems.
  2. Yay my new pants are too big. I got them a size 20, and now I need a size 18. I haven't worn a size 18 since high school, dude. Also XL shirts fit comfortably on me now, XXL shirts are really really big. This is awesome.
  3. Went to the gym on Wednesday and Thursday morning, and I'm going today. I'm going to breakfast at Carrows with my pal Leeanne then heading to the gym right afterward, and I'll have time to do some toning.
  4. I'm going to start helping my pal Kimmie with her website, which honors sexual abuse survivors and helps support other sites with great causes. I'm going to have my own page with 80s videos and such, and bad movie reviews.
oh well..
  1. Got kinda pissed off at my mom and Michelle both Wednesday and Thursday. I dragged them around here, there and everywhere and didn't get to bed until later in the day. On Wednesday I ended up taking them to see my dad twice. I am SOOOOO glad Dad will be home soon, we're looking at Tuesday of next week now.

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