Monday, May 07, 2007

fun and frustration


  1. Well I'm back in the groove, at least gym-wise. I went on Thursday morning, Friday morning, and Sunday afternoon. I'm hoping to go Tuesday thru Friday mornings this week. I really want to goose up my metabolism and get things going.
  2. I had fun on Friday night with Davina. We saw Kickin It Old School starring Jamie Kennedy and Bobby Lee. It wasn't like hilariously funny, but was pretty darn funny. I may get it on DVD, we shall see. We ate at Texas Roadhouse that night, and it was GOOD! On Saturday I ate at Chilis with Amy (I had a giftcard.. thanks Mom!) and hung out with Cathy, TJ, Jeff and Alicia later on that night. I had like 5 drinks, I was a bad girl. A rum/diet coke, 2 strawberry daquiris, and another rum/diet coke that had 2 shots of rum because Cathy is retarded. Sometimes she is anyway. Surprisingly, I didn't have a hangover on Sunday morning. Sunday afternoon I stayed busy with the gym, doing housework and napping. I did manage to go to Noelle's and catch up on Criminal Minds, and catch some Family Matters and Mama's Family. I love me some late 80s sitcoms.
  3. My boss is on vacation to Israel and stuff, and he wont be back for like 3 weeks. I think he's awesome, but it's always a little more relaxed when the boss is outta town.
  1. I'm still trying to get back on the correct nutritional bandwagon, so to speak. I have gotten back to eating lots more veggies, but I still end up eating crap here and there, and everywhere. Cathy and Amy made brownies and left em at my house last week, so I had a few over like a 4 day period. Davina made a Krispy Kreme run with me in the car on Friday night (I only got one whole wheat glazed donut), and I ate the donut on Sunday morning at work. So yes it could have been worse. Still isn't exactly on track. Plus the drinks I had on Saturday evening didn't help either. I think I'm going to try to stay positive and motivated. I'm trying to go to the gym 4-5 days a week, and eating as healthy as possible. That's all I can do really. I don't want to "diet". If I deprive myself of food and starve myself, I'll go insane and binge. I've been working on this "lifestyle change" for almost a year, and it's hard to get below 200 lbs. Like insanely hard. Like everytime I get close my body decides to gain 5-10lbs. My metabolism is sticking its tongue out at me and flipping me the bird. "Ha! You aren't goin below 200, no way.." *laughing evily*. Oh yeah did I mention my sister brought over a piece of pizza and 2 BBQ wings earlier tonight? I had that for dinner with some veggie soup. And I had pizza and all kinds of evil food last week at Kimmie's. And even worse stuff on vacation in Hawaii. *sigh*

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