Wednesday, May 16, 2007

livin 4 jesus ain't easy


  1. Hooray for hump day! It's the middle of the week, folks. I hit the gym on Tuesday morning, and I'm planning on going today, Thursday and Friday too. I'm wearing a blue and white striped shirt that I wore last year at my bday party. It is so stretched out and loose on me, I'm kinda showing off the goods here at work. Guess I'll have to put on my sweatshirt before I leave work, or the dayshift folks might get a peepshow.
  2. I've been studying the book of Habbukuk today. He was a prophet that was mad because the bad guys were getting away with stuff and living the good life, while good folks were struggling to make ends meet. Thousands of years later, this is still the case. Like God tells Habbukuk, they will get theirs. So don't worry folks. If some jerk cuts you off, or a murderer gets set free, or a rapist on the loose, they get theirs. God takes care of justice. Now I don't know enough about the Bible to quote stuff, but this is basically a summary of what I read.. mmmkay?
  3. I've begun working an extra shift on Monday evenings at KDFC, 7-10pm. Some people think I'm insane, but this is an extra $120 a month. It's like .. hello? McFly? Duh. I need the money, believe me.
  1. I have been tryin really hard to be a good Christian, but it is SOOOOO hard. Like Sandi reminded me last month. No one said being a Christian was easy. Oh man, words keep comin out of my mouth while driving that just are not good. I have thoughts coming in my head that are um lets say unclean. All I can do is pray for wisdom and strength and willpower and all that stuff. Some would say I hang out with bad influences and such, but I don't think so. Some of my friends have other beliefs than I do, but we all respect each other.
  2. Also lately I've been depressed about guys. It's just so hard to meet a guy who wants to talk to me. Let alone a guy with a brain who's not trying to get in my pants. I don't think I'm that scary/ugly, do you guys? *sigh* Maybe I'm too sexy and I scare em all away. That's it. Too sexy for my own good.

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