Friday, May 11, 2007

TGIF again


  1. The weekend is upon us once more, it seemed to come quicker than usual this week. This weekend will be kinda somber since I'm going to Edmund's viewing on Saturday evening with Cathy and Amy. It's the right thing to do, and I'd like to pay my respects. I'll probably get emotional. So this will be kinda traumatic. On a good note I plan on hanging out with Noelle on Friday night. She has Spiderman 3 (not gonna spill her sources, but it's not exactly a bootleg) and we're gonna watch it on the surround sound in her room. That and she wants to drag me to the Saddlerack to meet boys. I'm giving myself a two drink limit, and no going in the bathroom with strange guys. Not that I ever did that before. But yeah, no excessive sinning tonight.
  2. Went to the gym on Wednesday and Thursday morning, and I'm planning on going today too. Five days this week! So good! I'm starting to feel skinnier, though the scale at the gym hates my guts. "Muscle weighs more than fat." Okay that little psychological reassurance only works on me for so long. Grrr.
  1. I tried a new tea that came in my Starbucks sampler I got for Xmas from my momma. It's called Berryblossom White. It smells like berries. But it tastes like berries and flowers. That's why I hate jasmine tea, it tastes like you are drinking potpourri. LOL.. Well I'm still going to drink the tea off and on to get rid of it, but I think I'll goose it up with a few packets of Splenda and make it drinkable. Thought I'd share.

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