Tuesday, September 18, 2007

and so it goes....

  • Happy hump day folks. Nothing too exciting going on that I didn't mention a few days ago. I've been busy working and packing, and catching up on sleep in between. I worked in San Fran earlier tonight, and I'm working there again tomorrow evening. Extra hours don't hurt, and they need someone to man the board for the live symphony broadcast and Dane's busy. So it's me. As long as the jocks actually pay attention and listen when I count them down, everything should be fine. When they're too busy schmoozing and miss their cue, yeah it can sound bad.
  • This morning my exciting plans include grocery shopping and then going home for sleepytime. Thrilling, yes I know. Thursday I will probably go walking at the marina again and work more on packing, that's my main goal since I have like a little under 2 weeks left. Oh yeah, I had a dream that Jeff Goldblum was on Empty Nest instead of Richard Mulligan and I played the nurse lady. LMAO. Those store brand Golden Grahams gave me a sugary acid trip or something.. haha.

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