Thursday, November 01, 2007

same ol same ol

  • Well another work week is over. Nothing too thrilling going on. I have a new coworker being trained for weekends, his name is Eric and he looks like Tim Meadows from SNL. He's cool. I've called two different people inquiring about kittens they are adopting out. Called this lady on Monday and she never called me back. Called a guy on Wednesday, he told me to call back the following day after 5pm. I did and no one picked up, so I left a message. Still haven't heard back. Oh well, God's saving the best kittycat for me I guess. I mean Alf is a nice kitty, but he's not mine. Although he has adopted me and sleeps on my bed everyday.
  • I should have a fairly cool weekend. Tonight I'll probably chill out at home, or maybe I'll call Amy I haven't hung out with her in ages. I'm working in San Fran on Saturday morning, and I may do more kitten hunting with Noelle later in the afternoon. Sunday afternoon I'm going to Modesto. Sandi and I are attending a Mercy Me concert. It should be awesome. I work later on that night, but oh well.
  • Exercise wise.. I went to the gym yesterday morning, and I will try to stop by today as well. I'm working a little overtime so I don't get off until 8am, so I should have time to hit the gym before taking Dad to the doctor. Fun stuff. I know some of you don't care that I go to the gym.. but hey man at least I try to stay in shape, and I'd like to shed some pounds. The holidays are coming up and I can't resist treats, so I don't see that happening too soon. Hahaha.

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