Friday, December 12, 2008

Oy vey

  • Thank God it's Friday! Whoo. This week has been busy and tiring. Okay so technically I'm working the Thursday night shift at work, but this time tomorrow I'll be asleep (I'm hoping).
  • Here's a little of my stress the last few days. Wednesday morning on the way home from work I noticed my air pressure was low in my front driver's side tire so I filled it at the ARCO station. In the afternoon the pressure was low again as I went to my job at Traffic, but was fine on the drive home in the evening. A few hours later on the way to this job, it was low again, and low on Thursday morning. After my long shopping excursion I took the car to Wheelworks and they checked the tire for a leak. No leak in any of the tires. Air pressure is fine for now. Maybe it's due to cold weather, I don't know. I'm driving to Cache Creek out in the boonies later tonight and I'd appreciate knowing that my tire won't go flat on a deserted road. They said if it keeps happening they'll patch the tire for me anyway, but I don't have a lot of spare time to go have that done. Oy.
  • Other stresser. Got chewed out by some dork back east for a mistake that was the computer's fault, not mine. I caught a mistake halfway through the 30 second file. I was under the impression that in broadcasting it sounds more professional to play the wrong thing all the way through then cutting it off halfway and cutting into the middle of something else. Forgive me if I'm wrong fellow broadcasters. (It was a 30 sec newsfile, and played a broadcast from the previous day instead of that morning, at 6:30am their time on a boring religious network.) Okay this guy totally was going off on me on the phone, and went on about stuff that doesn't even happen on my shift. Since I value my employment I just apologized and left it at that. Made me so angry though.
  • Well other than that life is peachy. Tonight Davina and I are going to have a grand ol time at Cache Creek seeing our Thunder Down Under. Saturday I hope to kick back and relax during the evening. Sunday I may do some make-up sleep and wrap some presents. Okay see y'all laterz.

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