Friday, January 02, 2009

feeling crappy

  • Hey there folks. Back again. I feel another cold/sinus infection coming on. I'm fairly sure I'm running a low grade fever, whole body aches, headache, sinus pressure, swollen ears, throat hurts. Fun stuff. All I can do is try to rest when I can (which is not often enough) and take it from there. I hate getting sick, and I seem to at least four times a year. Hooray for me.
  • Nothing much has been going on besides that. Wednesday morning I did the grocery run, then came to work and did a nice 12 hour shift. I was bored out of my mind, watching episodes of Emergency! and The Brady Bunch. I also felt very tired so I skipped the gym on Thursday morning. I thought it was the long shift that did me in, but now I realize it was my body telling me to take it easy. Thursday I got sleep, made dinner, and played Uno with Cathy and TJ while watching TV. I got schooled, man. Later on I took a nap, and now I'm here.
  • Well, today I'm working at Traffic and I'll be here again tonight. Filling in for the weekend guy, massive overtime. Can't work too much overtime in this economy. I'm not working in SF on Saturday since I'm supposed to attend my cousin Joshua's 1st bday party. If I'm still sick, I'll skip out so I can get sleep and not infect my whole family. Sunday I'm finally getting my oil changed (I've talked about it all week.. haha) and hanging out with Sandi in Stockton. Fun times.

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