Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!!

  • What's goin on my homies? It's Thanksgiving!! And yes I'm working an 11 hour shift here, then 4 hours at my other job. Why? I'm insane, need overtime and more hours. Yeah I'm crazy like that. I ate A LOT of food today. Pretty much everything we made, I ate too much and brought some to work. I hope I can make it to the gym tomorrow night and throughout the weekend, I'm gonna need to burn all this off. I figure if I'm going to have a day of gluttony, I might as well go all out. Turkey, ham, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes from scratch, stuffing, gravy, rolls, pumpkin pie.. OMG so much food!!! Oh and steamed broccoli. Had to eat at least something green. Oh my goodness I am so bloated right now. So I'm going to spend the rest of my shift watching random videos on Youtube, playing games on Pogo, and watching movies on my laptop. Yeah and probably randomly dozing off for random intervals. Oh the fun.
  • So yeah my holiday was a success. Didn't get much sleep, but my sisters helped a lot with the cooking so at least I got a little rest. We had fun watching Dance Party on KOFY 20 and making fun of the bad outfits and even scarier dancing. I think that's our new holiday tradition. Hahaha!

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