Monday, September 18, 2006

I hate dentists.

This weekend has been totally work and sleep. Almost nothing but work and sleep. I worked here Friday night then at KDFC from 7am to noon, then home to sleep. Then I got up, took a shower, made dinner, and went back to work again until 5am, then I did my airshift at KKIQ from 6am to noon. I went to my parents' house to pick up my fruits/veggies they got for me from the Farmers Market, went home and did housecleaning for an hour, then finally went to bed and got 7 hours of sleep. Then I woke up, took a shower and came here. Yay.

Tommorrow (today, whatever) I have a dentist appt. I'm kinda nervous because I know I have really messed up teeth and I hope the dentist is nice. It's only cleaning and xrays, but that's still gonna suck. Ugh.. lord help me. Oh yeah, my friend's dog is at the vet hospital, they found a lump on him and they are doing a biopsy. Hope the little guy doesn't have cancer. Why are all these animals getting sick? I hope he's gonna be okay, and I hope Turbokitty stays healthy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After last Friday, I hate them, too. Four novacaine shots was four too many...