Monday, July 23, 2007


  • Well, my weekend was okay. For the most part. I got a little rest. And I'm feeling better. I spent both Friday and Saturday evenings at home watching TV and chillin, so that did help. I still love my car, did I mention that?
  • And yes I did go to the gym on Sunday afternoon. I'm hoping to go Tuesday-Friday mornings, if all goes well.
  • Well my beloved iPod decided to crap out on me sometime between Monday evening and Saturday morning. Since I didn't go to the gym in the middle of the week, I didn't use it. It refused to turn on when I tried on Saturday, even after I tried resetting it, charging it, blah blah. Well when I purchased it in March of last year, I got a 3 year service plan from Best Buy. I took it there, and they said they'd have to send it to Apple and it would cost an arm and a leg. They advised me to refund my service plan (which I am) and take it to the Apple Store. Well the punks at the Apple Store told me they couldn't "fix the issue" and that I could get another one for $150. Okay, it's not like I dropped the thing out a window. I used it practically everyday. And it decided to stop working randomly. What's the point of having a freakin warranty? So yeah I bought a Zune (microsoft), and I'm hoping this will work out better for me. I can't live without music on BART or at the gym. I was using my ghetto CD player at the gym on Sunday, but it keeps skipping and then the batteries drained. *sigh* Oh yeah, Zune is compatible with iTunes and regular mp3s which is great, but since my ex had all his music in there, he kinda screwed up my iTunes in general. And it's being a bitch when I try to get rid of music. I'm gonna have to delete hella songs from my hard drive in the morning, the only way I'm gonna do this without eliminating the program altogether and doin it from scratch, one CD at a time. GRRRRRR
  • I think at this point, I'm really stressed out. I know this is just one of those points in life where things aren't easy, but it's a doozy. Okay maybe I'm just one big baby. My parents are both disabled, my older sister pretty much has quit her job to take care of them. I'm their chauffeur. I recently had to buy a new car. Great car, but the financial stress sucks since I'll never be able to pay off my credit cards anytime soon. I just don't have the money. Then my iPod dies. And my phone still has issues, I honestly don't have the time or energy to talk to T-mobile again. I'm still trying to recitify the whole XM antenna thing, I need to get back to that manager at Toyota about it. I have a doctor appt this Friday with a "woman" doctor and I'm scared out of my mind. My ex keeps bugging me, wanting me to send him his skateboards, and he will pay me back. Uh huh. That fool owes me approx $435 just in gym payments. That's just the tip of the iceberg. I don't care of you read this, Manny. You know it's true. All this shit adds up. But ya know what? I'm going through all this for a reason, I know it. Only God knows why.. and this is making me a stronger person. I need a hug.

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